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Style Art Nouveau / Ref.14228

Flowers and golden spangles, an exceptional ceramic vase by Emile GALLÉ


Height: 6'' ¾  17cm
Diameter: 4'' ⅜  11cm

19th century, French

Good condition

Signed with the name Emile Gallé, our vase is a rare piece. It was made in Nancy in 1884.

This work, just before the wave of art nouveau, reveals Gallé's precocious talent. At this time, Gallé studied mineralogy and developed his passion for natural sciences.

In order to evoke nature, the artist does not hesitate to use complex techniques. The earthenware has inclusions of metallic particles which give it a precious character. The floral decoration is thus illuminated by gold spangles. From red-brown to golden yellow, the color gradient is particularly warm and elegant.

The edge of the vase is decorated with plant decoration. Like many of Gallé's creations, this vase is closer to a work of art than a simple decorative object. A source of emotion, it appeals as much to the eye as to the mind. We know of a vase of a larger size, which was presented at the exhibition of the central union of decorative arts in 1884. Designed by Gallé, a preparatory study for a vase from the same period is kept at the Musée d’Orsay.

For more information on this work, see the video on

Price: on request

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