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(5 Objects)

Style Japonism, Chinoiserie / Ref.14102

Alphonse Giroux, the Japonism style koi carp bowl


Height 12'' ¼  31cm
diameter: 20'' ⅛  51cm

19th century, French

Good condition

This very beautiful piece designed by Maison Giroux is an “Imari” style porcelain from 1880. It illustrates the very important taste for Japonism in 19th century society. Our cup is garnished with a gilded bronze frame, bearing the signature of Alphonse Giroux. The decoration of the frame, like the exterior of the cup, pays homage to the symbolic figure of the dragon. The colors adopted by Alphonse Giroux are typical of the Imari style: cobalt blue, dark red and saffron. The space is subtly exploited by a naturalistic and animal decor. The bottom of the cup is occupied by two large intertwined koi carp, symbols of strength in Japanese culture. The koi carp is legendary. According to an ancient legend, the bravest who manage to go up the mighty yellow river will transform into dragons with golden scales. This beautiful Parisian-made object dates from the Second Empire, a period of great activity for Maison Alphonse Giroux, a store famous for its luxury cabinetmaking, mounted objects and tablets in Paris.

For more information on this work, see the video on

Price: on request

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