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Style Art Nouveau / Ref.14915

François-Rupert CARABIN, Woman with a Gourd, circa 1900

Width: 5'' ⅞  15cm
Height: 5'' ½  14cm
Depth: 2'' ¾  7cm

France, 1900

This sculpture in brown glazed ceramic with earth-toned and red nuances, called Woman with a Gourd, was executed by François-Rupert Carabin around 1900.

François-Rupert Carabin worked in multiple artistic fields. He was a pioneer in the revival of decorative arts at the end of the 19th century and foreshadowed Art Nouveau. A part of his work had an erotic dimension, which is echoed in his Woman with a Gourd.

The sculpture depicts a crouching woman holding a gourd in her arms, gazing at it tenderly as if it were her child. The gourd's leaves form a removable pewter lid, allowing the sculpture to function as an inkwell. The woman's back, with its complex and detailed modeling, is a reminder that Carabin frequented the dissection rooms of the medical faculty to study anatomy and was also a notable photographer of female nudes.

Price: on request

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