Style Louis XIII / Ref.9422
"Louis of Lorraine" fireback
Width 30'' ¼ 77cm
Height 31'' ⅛ 79cm
France, circa 1623
Very good condition, slightly cracked at the bottom.
Cast iron fireback with the arms of the Lorraine family. In the center the arms of France. Right, top: Louis De Lorraine, cardinal of Guise, archbishop of Reims born in 1555, killed in Blois with his brother the Duke of Guise in 1588. Left, top: Philippe III of Spain. Left, bottom: Charles I duke of Nevers, Gonzague, Clèves and Rethel, sovereign of Arches, duke of Mantou and Montferret in 1627.
Fireback described in the book by Henri Charpentier, “Plaques de Cheminées”, Paris 1967.
Louis de Lorraine was consecrated cardinal by Pope Gregory XIII in 1578 and became the “cardinal of Guise”. He was an active participant in the wars waged by the Holy League alongside his brother Henry “the scarred”, the Duke of Guise. He was assasinated by order of King Henri III in the chateau of Blois the 24th of December 1588, the day after his brother was killed. Henri III justified his action by the danger he said the Guise brothers represented for the crown; however Pope Sixtus V, who could not allow a crime perpetrated on a cardinal, excommunicated the King of France on May 5th, 1589.
Queen Elizabeth I (1558_1603) second daughter of Henri VIII was the fifth and last member of the Tudor dynasty. Sometimes called the “Virgin queen” she never married worried she would lose her power with an ungrateful husband in these troubled times. Authoritarian and full of energy, she gave England a state religion by the Act of Supremacy in 1559. The elizabethan era was marked by a high level of cultural and artistic development, which materialised the English Renaissance.
Philippe III of Spain (1578-1621) put the direction of his government entirely into the hands of his favourite Francisco Gomez de Sandoval y Rojas, duke of Lerma, before coming under the influence of Cristobal, son of Lerma. The king's own life was passed amid court festivities.
Son of Louis Gonzague, prince of Mantoue and of Henriette de Cleves, duchess of Nevers, countess of Rethek, Charles I (1580-1637) was born in Paris in the hotel de Nevers. Wealthy, kin to Henri IV and other sovereign families, he received a solid intellectual and military education. A soldier prince of the Renaissance, he lived an extravagant life and was a man of faith, culture and a builder.
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